Archive for Pokémon

Pokémon: Apokelypse

Posted in Pokémon, Satire with tags on September 24, 2010 by The Mommy & Daddy Show

Whether you love it or hate it, Pokémon has had a staying power few could have realized when the franchise debuted back in 1996. Much like Carmen Sandiego, no matter what form you remember best, it all started from a pair of video games released in Japan called Pokémon Red & Green (released internationally as Red & Blue). Owned and published by Nintendo, the franchise is best known for its video games, anime series and films, manga, and card game but has expanded into a plethora of merchandising items. Here is a fake trailer from Ki-Voltage Productions for a live action film, Pokémon: Apokelypse, a decidedly darker interpretation of this multimedia juggernaut.